
Functional Medicine and Nutrition

Functional Medicine, one of the most rising branches of modern medicine, aims to find out not only the symptoms but also the underlying reason by getting to the root of the problem.


Personalized Healthy Weight Loss and Weight Gain

Obesity is one of the biggest factors that threaten our lives. The factors that play a role in the development of obesity include genetics, congenital and acquired diseases, sedentary lifestyle, increasing fast food habits, and irregular eating habits.


Nutrition for Women

There are times other than puberty, pregnancy, and lactation periods when women need to watch out for their diet.


Nutrition for Men

The rate of fatty tissue in men’s bodies is lower than in women’s. The difference in the hormonal structure of males and females is one of the primary causes of this lowness.


Sports Nutrition

Providing sportspeople with an adequate and balanced diet to keep healthy and maintain their performance is crucial for them to be more successful.


Nutrition for Chronic Diseases

Preparing a personal nutrition plan for chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases is as important as getting treatment to recover from the disease.


Nutrition for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a condition of high blood sugar diagnosed after the six months of pregnancy, with no experience of diabetes before pregnancy.



Testosterone is a hormone that plays important roles in the body. Testicles in men and ovaries in women make testosterone, and small amounts of testosterone are produced in adrenal glands in both sexes.


Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT)

In medicine, shock waves were firstly used to break down kidney stones in the 1980s. The shock waves used for this purpose are of high intensity and bear such a high energy that they can shatter a stone.


Erectile Dysfunction

Penis is an anatomically porous organ. These pores are filled with blood with sexual stimulation, and the penis enlarges and gets hardened.


HPV (Genital Warts)

HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted viruses. HPV infection causes nightmares for many young men and women and turns their lives upside down.


Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual problems are conditions that are common in society and they deteriorate the quality of life. Since sex is still considered taboo, many people with sexual dysfunction go undiagnosed.


Urodynamic Testings

Urodynamic Testings give physician information by examining the different features of the lower urinary system’s function.



Testicles are a pair of reproductive organs located in a pouch of skin called the scrotum. And, varicocele is the name given to the enlargement of the veins of the testicles.


Blood in the Urine (Hematuria)

Our body needs to maintain balance within itself while sustaining vital activities. We eat and produce energy for our movements or the functions of our organs, and we either consume or store that energy.


Urinary Stones

Urinary stones can be explained as the accumulation of minerals in any part of the urinary tract. According to their location, they are called kidney stones, ureteral stones, or bladder stones.



Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin (preputium) covering and protecting the head of the penis, in part or full, thus leaving the glans penis (penis head) exposed.



Prostate is a glandular organ related to the male urinary tract and the reproductive organs. It is located just at the exit of the urinary bladder, and the urinary tract, the urethra, passes through the prostate gland.


Individual Psychotherapy

Lack of faith in therapy, concerns regarding finances and the length of the process, the possibility of a delayed solution, and trying to solve the problem with social support are only a few reasons for not referring to psychological help.

